Banking Online Safely


This Week, I’ll tell you about how to Bank Online Safely.

Plus, Give you some phone tips that may save your phone and your information on your phone.

And I Share my thoughts on The Battle Between Twitter and Elon Musk

How to Get Your Devices to Play Nicely Together


This Week, I’ll tell you about Home Networking and How to Get Your Devices to Play Nicely Together.

Plus, Give you some tips that I’ve shared through the week…

An everyday shortcut, how to get faster Internet and how to go back in time!

And Share my thoughts on Amazon Sidewalk.

What to Do if Your Hard Drive Fails – Episode 2


This week, I’ll show you how to spot the signs of a failing hard drive.

Plus share a few tips that I’ve shared during the last week. 

And answer the question… Why are phone screens so expensive to repair?

Tune in for that and more in this episode of GeeKSpeeK with The GeeK of GEFNET